比賽類別:Tchnical Category-技術類
比賽名稱:Hair by Night - Ladies Jr--青年女子晚宴髮型
Ladies Jr - Technical Combination - same mannequin This competition is a technical evening hairstyle.
Mannequin heads are taken back to the competition floor with their hairstyle unchanged.
The competitors brush the hair back before the competition starts, after instruction given by the General Commissioner. The Committee
of Wise Men will check whether these instructions have been observed.
The competitor can wet, shape, blow-dry or style the hair. The jury will give special attention to the execution of the color.
1、Color:A harmonious graduation of two (2) or more colors is compulsory. Spray colors are forbidden.
7、Scores Maximum: 30 points Minimum: 21 points 英文資料來源:OMC - Organisation Mondiale Coiffure官方網站。 中文資料來源:為站長轉譯加註,若有未通順之處請多指教 輔註照片來源:為站長拍攝於OMC2006年莫斯科世界美髮大賽現場比賽作品。 相關比賽內容: OMC 2007 ASIA CUP OPEN--OMC2007亞洲杯美髮美容美甲比賽--總目錄 前往瀏覽『2006 莫斯科世界美髮大賽』專輯展示
2、Hairpiece(s):A minimum of 1 and a maximum of 3 hairpieces may be used, but must not be prestyled.The hair of the hairpieces must be presented straight, laying on the table, ready to be brushed and inspected by the Wise Men.The hairpiece(s) must be harmoniously integrated into the hairstyle, but must not be cut into pieces. The hairpiece(s) will be combed and styled only during the allowed competition time. The hairpieces must not cover more than 40% of the surface of the head. The competitors can use the scissors to clean up their style during the competition.
3、Ornaments:Ornaments made from hair or similar fibers or substances, full wigs and hair extensions are forbidden. The Committee of Wise Men will check if the rules have been observed.
4、Penalties:Competitors who do not observe the instructions will be penalized according to the penalty chart enforced by the Wise Men.
5、Clothes:must be elegant and wearable, as if attending an evening party.
6、Time:35 minutes
7、分數:最高30分 最低21分 。