比賽類別:Fashion Category-流行時尚類
比賽名稱:Hair Up - Ladies Jr--青年女子包頭造型
Artistic and fantasy hairstyles are forbidden
The finished hairstyle must NOT look like a Hair by Night
The competitor will create a Street Fashion hairstyle on long hair. At finish, the hairstyle must be adapted to the Street Fashion look and appreciated by the consumer.
Mannequin heads are taken to the competition floor with open straight or wavy hair. The hair can be wet or dry.The hair must not be pre-styled.
The Committee of Wise Men will check the hair and brush it flat back. The jury will give special attention to the execution of the color.
A fashionable "Up" hairstyle (chignon) will be performed with a total look in mind. In no case the hair must give an open impression. The complete hairstyle can be dressed up. 25% may be down (optional). During the test, the
competitors may use scissors to clean up the ends.
1. Color:A harmonious graduation of two (2) or more colors is compulsory. Spray colors are forbidden.
1. 染色:必須使用2種或者兩種以上和諧漸變的顏色,禁止使用噴色。
2. Tools:All tools are allowed.
2. 造型:所有工具都可以使用。
3. Products:All products are allowed.
3. 產品:所有產品都可以使用。
4. Hairpieces:Hairpieces and/or hair extensions are forbidden. If a Wise Man doubts whether a hairpiece has been used, he may inspect it after the competition is over. If so, the competitor will be penalized.
4. 假髮:禁止使用假髮或接髮。如果懷疑選手使用假髮,在比賽結束後,現場監督會檢查,一旦使用假髮,選手將被扣分。
5. Ornaments:Ornaments are forbidden.
5. 飾物:禁止使用任何飾物。
6. Clothes:The clothes must be adapted to the Street Fashion hairstyle.
6. 著裝:著裝必須適宜街頭時尚髮型。
7. Penalties:Competitors who do not observe the instructions above will be penalized according to the penalty chart enforced by the Wise Men.
7. 扣分:選手不遵守以上比賽規則,現場監察員都將根據扣分表予以扣分。
8. Time:18 minutes
8. 時間:18分鐘。
9. Scores:Maximum: 30 points Minimum: 21 points
9. 分數:最高30分 最低21分
英文資料來源:OMC - Organisation Mondiale Coiffure官方網站。

相關比賽內容: OMC 2007 ASIA CUP OPEN--OMC2007亞洲杯美髮美容美甲比賽--總目錄
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